Local Businesses
This list of businesses and their contact details have been provided to us by various people. The webmaster and the officers of the Parish Meeting do not necessarily endorse these businesses. We can offer no guarantees about the businesses and you should exercise normal discretion when dealing with them.
Witheridge (4 miles - 7 minutes)
Witheridge Newsagents, 16A The Square, Witheridge, EX16 8AE
t:01884 860815
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 07:00-18:00 Sat 07:30-18:00 Sun 07:30-13:00
Witheridge Post Office & Stores, 17 West Street, Witheridge, EX16 8AA
t: 01884 861684
Opening hours: Shop: Mon-Sat 08:30-20:00 Sun 09:30-14:00
Post office: Mon-Wed, Fri 09:00-17:30 Thu 09:00-13:00 Sat 09:00-12:30
South Molton (6.5 miles - 13 minutes)
Pannier Market, South Molton - Country Market Thursdays & Saturdays 09:00-14:00
Sainsburys, New Road, South Molton, EX36 4BQ t:
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 08:00-20:00 Sun 10:00-16:00 ATM open 24hrs
Boots Chemist, 18 Broad Street, South Molton, EX36 3AQ t: 01769 572576
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 09:00-17:30 Sun closed
A large variety of shops, including Londis, bakery, butchers, greengrocer, cheese shop, gift shops, antique shops, post office
Chulmleigh (7 miles - 14 minutes)
A variety of shops, including a village shop, bakery, convenience store
Pet Shops:
Pet products, supplies and accessories for dogs, cats and small animals. Secure online ordering, fast UK shipping.
t: 01769 736 637
01271 323003 (Barnstaple)
01884 254856 (Tiverton)
Plants & Garden Supplies:
Ash Moor Nursery, Rose Ash, EX36 4RF t: 01884 860355 e: ashmoornursery1@aol.co.uk
Opening times: Sun 10:00-16:00; Mon-Wed 09:00-17:00; Thu closed; Fri-Sat 09:00-17:00
Christmas trees:
Burrow Cross Christmas Trees, Meshaw, EX36 4 t: 01769 581474 e: burrowcrosschristmastrees@gmail.com
Turkeys, chickens, lamb, eggs, BBQ boxes:
Little Whitstone Farm, Meshaw, EX36 4NH t: 07830 148999 (Debbie Attrill) or e-mail littlewhitstone@hotmail.co.uk for fresh local produce, turkeys, chickens, eggs and BBQ boxes with pork sausages and lamb burgers
WOPEC, Rockhaye, Witheridge, EX16 8PX t: 01884 861186 (Fred Hanbury) - oil buying consortium
Building supplies:
Pennymoor Timber, Pennymoor, Tiverton, EX16 8LJ t: 01363 866262
RGB, Pathfields Business Park, South Molton, EX36 3LH t: 01769 579000
Jewsons, Station Yard, Station Road, South Molton EX36 3LL
Exmoor Hardware, 01769 574 997 135 East Street, South Molton, EX36 3BU
Computers & supplies:
FHS Computers Ltd, 100 East Street, South Molton, EX36 3DF
Farm & equestrian supplies:
Mole Valley Farmers, Pathfields Industrial Estate, South Molton, EX36 3LH t:01769 574477