Refuse & Recycling
This list of businesses and their contact details have been provided to us by various people. The webmaster and the officers of the Parish Meeting do not necessarily endorse these businesses. We can offer no guarantees about the businesses and you should exercise normal discretion when dealing with them.
Recycling collections are made weekly (Wednesday) for green kerbside caddy (food), green or black box (plastics, tins, cans and small electrical items), blue box (glass), brown bag (flattened cardboard), green bag (newspaper, magazines, clothing)
Refuse collections (black wheelie bin) are made fortnightly (Thursday or Friday) - see North Devon Council’s collection calendar for dates
Garden waste (green wheelie bin - surchage of £36 per annum) is collected fortnightly (Thursday or Friday - alternate week to black bin)
South Molton Recycling Centre (Macclins Quarry) is open every weekend 10:00-18:00 (Apr-Sep) and 10:00-16:30 (Oct-Mar) - see website for further details t: 0345 155 1010
Phoenix Reuse Shop, 8-9 Barnstaple Street, South Molton will take anything that can be reused t: 01769 573657 Opening times: 09:00-17:00 Mon-Sat [need to check this]
There are also a number of Charity Shops in South Molton (Devon Air Ambulance, North Devon Hospice and Age Concern) who would be happy to receive unwanted items